Chinooks at Phu Loi 1969
Milton Muller
Phu Coung 4-24-1969
Karl Doffelberger 2-27-1969
Daniels and Miller, Long Binh 3-11-1969
Muller sitting on the end of our crane
Shell Company between Phu Loi and Long Binh - 3-1969
100-ton Crane sitting just out from our barge at Cat Lai - 7-15-1969
Bridge at Dong Nai, looking south towards "VC Island"
John F. Phillips 7-1-1969
Docks at Cat Lai, ARVN Troops Coming Ashore
At Long Binh - 5-19-1969
Part of the Barge Crew - Mike Doan, Ken Hess, Stan Hackwell, Larry Lynch
Left = Woody, Right = Orozco
Mike Doan
Bong Mai Vang ( flowering tree) Bhudda Temple Thu Duc City 2023
Bhudda Temple Thu Duc City 2023